Thursday, December 29, 2011

Vegan "Bailey's" Irish Cream Liqueur

Happy Holidays!!!
December is my favorite month.  I love everything about it: the sparkle, the celebrations, the time spent with friends and loved ones. . .  hence why this blog entry is loonnnggg overdue - it's been a busy month!  
I usually spend the week from Christmas Eve to New Years day overindulging on anything and everything I can sink my teeth into or fill my glass with and when it comes to holiday beverages, I like 'em sweet, creamy and booooozy.  Put 'em all together and you've got IRISH CREAM LIQUEUR!!!  Store-bought Irish cream is full of very non-vegan cream (obvs!) and other wacky preservatives and can be quite pricey.  My recipe (adapted from the amazing Tal Ronnen's recipe for Irish cream sauce) is very simple and YUMMY and you can make a 40oz bottle for under $30!  On ice, in your morning coffee or soaked into vegan chocolate cupcakes, it's a delish and festive treat!

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season, filled with peace, love and joy <3

Vegan Irish Cream Liqueur
-4 tsp cornstarch
-2 cans coconut milk (don't bother with the light stuff, stick to regular)
-1 cup chocolate almond milk
-1/2 cup organic brown sugar
-1 tsp vanilla extract (always use real vanilla extract, artificial is ICKY)
-pinch sea salt
-1 mickey of whiskey

In a wee bowl, combine the cornstarch with 4 tsp of the coconut milk.  Whisk it well to ensure it is smooooth (this is called a 'slurry' and it is a crucial step when adding starch to liquid to avoid lumps!). 

In a large saucepan, combine the rest of the coconut milk, almond milk, sugar, vanilla and pinch of salt and bring to a boil over medium high heat.  

Once boiling, add the slurry of cornstarch and whisk like you have never whisked before.  Simmer for a minute or two then remove from the heat and let it cool right down.

Once cooled, you can strain the sweet liquid through a fine mesh strainer if you are concerned about lumpiness.  Add the whiskey, whisk, et voila!  You have Irish cream liqueur!  My testers said it might need a touch more booze, but I will leave that to your discretion.

All the best in the New Year!

