Thursday, September 30, 2010

Butternut Squash Soup with Mushroom Saute and Toasted Pepitas

Hey Babes,

Here's a classic fall soup brought to a whole other level with a saute of wild mushrooms and some toasted pepitas...mmmmmm...

Butternut Squash Soup with Mushroom Saute and Toasted Pepitas

1 butternut squash, halved, seeds scooped out and baked cut-side down in a 375 degree oven until soft (about 30-40 min)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, diced
4-6 cloves garlic, chopped
4 cups water or veggie stock
1/8 tsp fresh ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 cups chopped mushrooms (your choice! use mixed wild mushrooms, shitake, portabello, crimini JUST NOT WHITE BUTTON MUSHROOMS, THEY ARE SO BORING, PEOPLE!)
1 tbsp vegan butter
2 tbsp shoyu
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 cup toasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

Saute the onions and garlic in the olive oil in your favorite soup pot over medium heat until they are nice and translucent and soft.  Add the water or stock and flesh of the butternut squash (just scoop it from the skin).  Bring to a boil over medium high and then reduce heat to low, add nutmeg, cinnamon and season with S&P.  Leave the soup to simmer while you make the mushroom saute..

Heat the vegan butter in a skillet over medium high heat.  Add the mushrooms and saute until browned.  Add the shoyu and thyme and cook until liquid is absorbed. 

At this point, you are gonna wanna puree your soup with an immersion blender or a regular blender (in batches).  Then you can add shoyu (for more umami), non-dairy milk (for creaminess), crispy sage leaves (for herbiness), hot sauce (for HAWT) or just plain old S&P to your taste.  It's your soup, go crazy!

To serve, ladle the soup into soup bowls and then carefully float a couple tablespoons of the mushrooms in the middle.  Sprinkle over the toasted pepitas and maybe a couple drops of good olive oil.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Deconstructed Veg Sushi

Hello Lovah's,

Today I have a recipe for sushi lovers who are either aprehensive about making sushi rolls at home for the first time or sushi lovers who are too lazy to roll.  I just took all the elements of a delish veggie maki roll and put them in a bowl!  Okay, the photo below of the finished product isn't in a bowl.  I made it into a fancy stack just for the sake of quality food porn.  But I encourage you to be as fancy or lazy as you like!  And go crazy with adding your fave sushi ingredients, maybe some julienned daikon, sauteed shitake mushrooms or a couple pieces of tempura yam...

Deconstructed Veg Sushi
serves two-ish
2 cups cooked rice
1 large carrot, grated
1 tbsp black sesame seeds (or toasted white sesame seeds)
1/2 cup finely diced cucumber
1 finely diced avocado
2 tbsp shoyu
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp sesame oil
1 sheet nori, cut into thin strips (crumbled if you're lazy)
toasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds for garnish (optional)
pickled ginger for garnish (optional)

Mix the cooked rice, carrot and sesame seeds in a bowl then divide into ring molds (fancy) or soup bowls (lazy).  Top the rice with the cucumber and avocado.  Whisk the shoyu, vinegar, sesame oil and wasabi (to your taste) together and then drizzle evenly over rice and veggies.  If you're using a ring mold like I did, this would be the time to remove it.  Top with the nori and optional garnishes.  How easy was that?  Seriously!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Midnight Banana Fritters


I was dying for a midnight snack and whipped up these AMAZING banana fritters on a whim.  They turned out so good, I HAD to blog about them right away!  They are somewhere between a banana pancake and a doughnut right out of the fryer.  Yes, they are a tad on the naughty side being fried sweeties and whatnot but sometimes you just gotta have dessert!  Just put on some music and dance party all the calories off...or you can go right to bed with a nice full tummy :)

Midnight Banana Fritters
1 banana, mashed (not to a puree, a few lumps are encouraged!)
1/3 cup whole wheat flour (hey, if they're gonna be fried, at least they're whole wheat)
pinch salt
pinch fresh ground nutmeg (nutmeg and bananas are BFF's <3)
pinch baking soda
two pinches baking powder
1 tsp vegan sugar or maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp non dairy milk
safflower oil for fryin'

Mix together all ingredients in a bowl.  The batter should be like thick pancake batter.  Heat two tablespoons of oil over medium heat.  Spoon a few small fritters into the hot oil and flip once the A side is nice and golden.  The B side will only take 30 seconds to a minute.  You may need to add a bit more oil after a batch or two.  Drain the fritters on paper towels after they come out of the pan and then EAT 'EM! 

This portion serves one PIG (a.k.a. yours truely).  Double the recipe, replace the milk with spiced rum and dust the hot fritters with cinnamon sugar for a very sexy dessert for two...ooh la la...

Sweet dreams :)

P.S. V.V. won a create-a-burger contest that Boon Burger posted on Facebook!  I sugessted their mushroom-rice patty with a soy-sweet chili glaze topped with a slaw of carrot, cabbage and green mango, drizzled with spicy sesame sauce.  They are going to be serving my creation at Boon Burger soon (they're calling it the ThaiTaste Burger, I think) so if you try it when it's being offered, let me know what you think!!! 

Vegan Pierogies!

Hey Babes,

I hate pierogies.  I realize that this probably makes me a blasphemous Winnipegger but please understand that there is not a stitch of Ukrainian blood in me and I didn't grow up with a baba from the 'old country' who carefully prepared the little potato-filled pillows from scratch.  My Dad is in the food business and one of his clients was a popular frozen pierogi brand, loved and adored by most people except me and those lucky buggers who have authentic, pierogi-making, Ukrainian baba's.  My StepMama used to make a pre ballet class/soccer game pierogi casserole when me and my four pierogi-loving siblings were kids that involved putting the frozen devils in a casserole dish with some slightly diluted canned mushroom soup, topped with cheddar cheese and baked.  Again, loved and adored by most except pierogi-hatin' me.

When Boomer travelled to Ukraine on a youth exchange program, she came back having learned the ways of cabbage rolls, borsht and pierogi's from an authentic Ukrainian baba.  Upon first bite, I was in love.  The Boom makes a vegan version for me that she fills with potatoes, caramelized onions and garlic - SO GOOD - but you can go crazy with the fillings!  Try sauteed cabbage or mushrooms and maybe some shredded vegan cheese...oh the possibilities...

Authentic Ukrainian Pierogies
(blood, sweat and tears from the 'old country', optional)

2 cups (ish, you might need more) flour (feel free to use whole wheat but it's hard to work with!)
1/2 cup (ish) water (again, you may need more)
1 tsp salt
2 cups mashed potatoes
1 tbsp olive oil
2 onions, thinly sliced
6 garlic cloves, chopped

Mix together the flour, salt and water in a large bowl, adding more flour or more water as needed to create a smooth, slightly sticky dough.  Knead the dough on a floured surface until it becomes even more smooth and quite elastic.  Let the dough rest for about half and hour while you prepare the fillin'. 

Heat the oil on medium heat in a skillet.  Add the onions and garlic, sprinkle them with some S&P and cover with a lid.  Stirring every so often, cook the onions until translucent (about ten to fifteen min) then remove the lid and continue cooking them until they are golden brown.  Mix the onions and garlic with the mashed potatoes and season the filling with S&P. 

Roll half of the dough out on a floured surface to a nice think 1/8" thickness.  Using a round cookie cutter or water glass dipped in flour, cut circles out of the dough (and the remaining dough).  Put a dollop of filling in the middle of the circles, making sure not to overfill them, and then pinch them closed tightly. 

At this point you can dust them in flour, freeze them in an even layer on a baking sheet and then store in freezer bags until you use them OR go right ahead and drop them in a pot of boiling salted water until they float and then fry 'em up in vegan butter or oil until they are golden broooowwwwwnn.  Use the same method of cooking them right from frozen. 


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Penne with White Beans, Tomatoes and Wine

Hey Babes,

The cold I had last week was the third I've had since April.  My Momma stocked my medicine cabinet with all kinds of vitamins and insisted that I start eating more protein.  Protein is a building block for a healthy immune system, my friends, thus I cooked up a bag of dried white beans and made this wicked pasta dish!

  Penne with White Beans, Tomatoes and Wine
1 box whole wheat or brown rice penne
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp chili flakes (as always, more if ya like it HAWTA)
3 or 6 cloves garlic, minced (as garlicy as you like!!)
1 large glass of dry white wine
1 can diced tomatoes
2 tbsp chopped basil
1 tsp dried oregano leaves
1 cup cooked or canned (rinsed well) white beans

Cook the penne in plenty of salted boiling water until it becomes al dente (tender but with a bit of a bite).  Drain the pasta and set aside.  To save yourself some dishes, just use the same pot you used to cook the pasta to make the sauce.  Heat the olive oil on medium heat and add chili flakes.  Saute the garlic for precisely fifteen seconds and add wine (watch out, it's gonna get steamy!), tomatoes, herbs and beans.  Stirring every so often, bring the sauce to a boil and then add the cooked, drained pasta and simmer for five to ten minutes (this lets the pasta and sauce become BFF's).  Season with Salt n' Pepa.  Shoop Shoop.  Enjoy!


Not A Morning Person

Hello Dumplings!

First and foremost, I just want to say thank-you SO MUCH for all the comments from you (on my blog and facebook too)!  One never knows what to expect when they begin a blog.  Will it bring people together, or disappear into the abyss of the world wide web?  I can't tell you how COOL it is to know that you are reading my little blog and enjoying it!!!    GREAT BIG CYBER HUGS TO YOU ALL!!! 

Anyhoo....Let's get to the FOOD and STUFFING OF THE FACE!

If I could, I would sleep in every day until ten.   Alas, the nine-to-five work day/school day doth not provide such privileges.  I really don't enjoy eating first thing in the morning (I don't think I'm alone here) but unfortunately, breakfast is the most important meal of the day (I wish dinner was.  I'm for sure not alone on this one).  Homemade granola beats storebought by a longshot and makes even the haterest of breakfast hater's into breakfast lova's.  I like it with almond milk :)

P.S. Just to be clear, I love brunch!  Eating breakfast at 11:30 a.m. WITH cocktails?  Heck YESSS!!  I will be sure to post some brunch recipes for you soon :)      

V.V.'s Fave Granola
4 cups oats
1/2 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax, whatev combo you like)
1/2 cup chopped dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, cherries, apricots, currants, blueberries, figs, dates, apples, pears, so many choooiiiiicceeesss!!!)
1/3 cup chopped nuts (optional)
1/4 vegan sugar
1/3 cup safflower oil
2 tbsp maple syrup or brown rice syrup (honey is ok in a pinch in my books, though it's not technically vegan)
2 tsp good vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon

On a rimmed cookie sheet, toast the oats in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for about 10 - 15 minutes or until very lightly toasted.  In a big ol' bowl, combine the oats, coconut, seeds, dried fruit, and nuts if you're using them.  Combine the oil, syrup, vanilla and cinnamon and mix into the oat mixture really, really well until everything is coated.  Spread the mixture in an even layer on a large rimmed cookie sheet and bake for another ten minutes or until dry and toasty, making sure to stir it around half way through baking.   Cool in da pan, store in a big jar or resealable container!

Until next time,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Zucchini Carrot Latkes

Happy Weekend!!!

I was craving some fried food yesterday so I whipped up a batch of Zucchini Carrot Latkes.  For those of you who have never been exposed to Yiddish cuisine, a latke is in essence, a potato pancake.  I have been fortunate to attend many a Hannukah celebration and each time GORGE myself of these crispy, lacy little delights.  Be wary fellow vegans as latkes often contain eggs and milk...just ask the Baba who brought them!  I make latkes out of all kinds of veggies and I encourage you to do the same.  These ones are potato free, particularily rich and gooey on the inside while retaining a nice oily crisp on the outside...delish!

Served with a pile of homemade macrobiotic pickles mmmmm mmmmm

Zucchini Carrot Latkes
Serves one very hungry mongrel

One medium sized zucchini, grated
One medium sized carrot, grated
One clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp shoyu
1 tsp seasame seeds (I used black ones!)
1/4 tsp chili flakes (or more if ya like em spicy)
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
Safflower oil for frying

Put grated zucchini and carrot in a paper towel lined strainer over a bowl.  Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and let sit for ten minutes.  Squeeze to drain juices.  Drink the juices from the bowl, or you can discard them but you're wastinga crazy amount of nutrients, people!  Combine the grated veg with the garlic, shoyu, sesame seeds, chili flakes and flour.  You should have a nice thick batter.  Meanwhile, heat a thin layer of oil over medium heat.  Drop spoonfuls of the batter into the oil and spread them into thin pancakes (don't over crowd your pan!).  Cook until browned, about 2 minutes and then flip and brown other side.  Keep the finished latkes warm in a 300 degree oven on a cookie sheet in a single layer while frying up the rest of the batter. 


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Boon Burger & Chocolate Coconut Sorbet

Hey Dolls,

I write to you alive and well and with a recipe for a very sweet and sexy treat!  But first: If you haven't already checked out Boon Burger Cafe here in 'Peg City, Manitoba, GET ON IT!!!!  It's Canada's very first vegetarian burger joint and even those of you who identify as omnivorous will LOVE it!  The vegan poutine made with oven baked sesame fries, homemade vegan gravy and Daiya cheese is MIND BLOWING (for real, my mind exploded.  It was such a mess on Sherbrook Street that day...).  Please go check it out, the staff are so cool and nice and the burgers, phenom! 

Speaking of MIND BLOWING (I'm beginning to think I have a problem...), I have a sweet and creamy and sexy, yes SEXY, recipe for you.  I believe that the world is made up of two kinds of people: people who hate coconut and people who love coconut.  I myself am of the latter persuasion so if you are too, it gives me great pleasure to present you with the following recipe for:

Chocolate Coconut Sorbet
(Honestly, it tastes more like rich creamy ice cream!  PLEASE use good vanilla!  Get someone to smuggle some back from their Mexican vacation for you!)

2 cans coconut milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup vegan sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut (if you want it smooth, omit.  If you love the texture of shredded coconut, put more!  I used about a 1/3 cup.)
2 tbsp (about a shot) spiced rum (optional, but YUM)

Whisk all ingredients together really, really, really well in a rectangular plastic container that has a lid.  Seal the container and scrape ice crystals every hour or so with a fork until totally frozen.  Let the sorbet sit out on the counter for ten minutes before you try to serve it. 

I even gave it a sexy background...

Make this sorbet and while it freezes go to Boon Burger for dinner!  But bundle up, it's getting chilly out there...


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cauliflower "Steaks" with Cauliflower Puree

Greetings from my death bed...

...or at least it feels that way...  I have a terrible cold and have not been eating much other than soup and toast but felt I should share with you the delicious meal I made on Sunday for my beautiful sister/roomate, Boomer.  This is one of my favorite recipes to make for my non-vegan friends (and siblings) and they are always impressed.  All my life, I had experienced cauliflower two ways:  steamed or boiled.  Often drowned in melted Cheez Whiz (oh the HORROR!).  Until I tried roasting it, I never knew how good cauliflower could be.  And pureed, you would swear you were eating the most delicate mashed potatoes.  I served my cauliflower "steaks" atop the puree with sauteed green and yellow beans (from my Ma's garden) and brown rice gravy.  This recipe serves two generously.  Mmmmmmm...

Cauliflower "Steaks" with Cauliflower Puree  

One head of cauliflower, washed and dried, leaves trimmed
Olive oil
1/4 - 1/2 cup almond milk (or other non dairy milk)
1 tbsp Earth Balance butter
Pinch fresh ground nutmeg

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.  Slice the cauliflower like a loaf of bread, creating two "steaks" from the middle approximately 1/2" - 1" thick.  Place the "steaks" on an oiled baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and season with S&P.  Roast the "steaks" for about 15 min or until lightly golden on the underside, flip over and roast for an additional 15 - 20 min.  
Meanwhile, chop the remaining cauliflower and steam until very tender.  Puree in a food processor until smooth and add almond milk (start with a little bit and add until you get to a consistency you like), Earth Balance and nutmeg.  Season with S&P and serve with "STEAKS".

Brown Rice Gravy
1/3 cup safflower oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/3 cup brown rice flour
2 1/2 cups water or veggie stock
5 - 6 tbsp shoyu
1 tsp savory herbs of your choice (parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...)
2 tbsp red or white wine (totally optional but adds such a nice richness)

Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.  Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds.  Add brown rice flour and cook until golden brown and fragrant, about five minutes (for those of you cooking experts, you just made a roux).  Whisk in water or stock, shoyu, herbs and wine if using until smooth.  Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 5 minutes or until thickened.  Season with S&P.  This gravy is good on everything that gravy is good on.  My friend Bud once ate a bowlful of JUST this gravy...

My beautiful sister/roomate Boomer, thoroughly enjoying the cauliflower FEAST!

I promise to get better quick so I can get back in the kitchen to create more delish dishes to post for your benefit, and mine.  Belieeeeve me, I am looking forward to something other than soup and toast...

Until then,
KISSES and happy compassionate eating!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Herbed Gnocchi with Tomato Lentil Sauce

Hello Lovers,

Making homemade pasta can be quite intimidating but it's actually so easy and SATISFYING!  I am kind of obsessed with dumplings of any kind and gnocchi is for me, the perfect Italian specimen.  Light and pillowy in texture but yet substancial and quite filling!  I used beautiful organic Yukon Gold potatoes from my Mama's garden but starchy baking potatoes like Russet work too.  It is extremely important not to over cook the taters otherwise they will require too much flour and will be far too dense.  Texture is KEY here, people!  Most recipes reccomend steaming the potatoes until a knife/skewer can be inserted but the tater is still firm.  I boiled mine, keeping a very close watch over them.  I kept the sauce nice and fresh to contrast the richness of the pasta.  This will serve two or three hungry peeps.

Herbed Gnocchi with Tomato Lentil Sauce

for the gnocchi:
3 large Yukon Gold Potatoes, peeled and steamed or boiled until JUST tender 
1 cup flour
1 tsp dried oregano (I use freeze dried herbs, they taste just like fresh!)

2 tsp dried basil

½ tsp salt

for the sauce:
½ cup red lentils
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp chopped basil

½ glass white wine

Pinch chilli flakes

Salt and peppa to taste

2 tomatoes

Using a food mill, ricer, potato masher or a fork and some upper body strength, mash the hot potatoes until fairly smooth (I think a few little lumps make the gnocchi more rustic).  Add herbs and salt and enough flour to make a firm, non-sticky dough (you may not need the full cup of flour, you may need more).  Knead dough for one or two minutes to ensure that it is well blended.  Roll the dough into logs that are about one inch in thickness and cut 1/2 inch pieces from the logs.  Gently use the tines of a fork to imprint grooves on the gnocchi (this helps hold the sauce).  Cook the gnocchi in a large pot of salted, boiling water.  As soon as the dumplings rise to the surface, they are donezo!  Remove them from the water with a slotted spoon and drain well. 

Naked Gnocchi

Meanwhile...cover the lentils with just over a cup of water and bring to a boil in a large saucepan.  Reduce the heat to simmer and cook until lentils are very soft and water is completely absorbed.  While the lentils are cooking, cut the tomatoes in half and broil until soft and melted.  Chop said tomoatoes and add to lentils seeds, juices and all.  Use a fork to mash the lentils slightly with the tomatoes.  Add the wine, garlic, olive oil, chili flakes and continue to simmer sauce for a few minutes so the flavours can meld.  Add chopped basil and salt and pepper to taste.  Gently add the gnocchi to the sauce and let them become BFF's for about two minutes.  Serve right away with extra chopped basil on top!   

Delish, delish, DELISH!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Simple Autumn Supper and Vegan Pumpkin Pie Brownies

I had a delicious and simple dinner the other night: pan seared seitan sausages with a mountain of roasted carrots and parsnips - so satisfying and comforting amid the chilly autumn winds that are blowing across the prairies right now.  I made these seitan sausages from scratch from my fave recipe found here: I add in whatever spices I am feelin' at the time, the most recent batch was full of garlic, fennel seed, chili's and oregano mmmmmm... I love them pan seared in a few tsp of safflower oil served with lots of grainy djon mustard!  As for the parsnips and carrots, I just scrubbed them and sliced them into 1/4 inch coins, tossed them with some olive oil and seasoned with good old S&P.  They took about 30 minutes in a 375 degree oven and were beautiful and caramelized.  You could add some sliced Yukon Gold taters for more substance too! 

I was craving something sweet after din din so I whipped up a batch of UNREAL pumpkin pie brownies.  I am a little crazy about pumpkin (and brownies for that matter...) and before I knew it, half the batch was GONZO...Luckily for me (and those of you incredibly smartie pants darlings who make these asap) they are pretty darn low in fat and full of beta-carotene rich pumpkin, yo!

This is my version of pumpkin brownies from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.  It contains less sugar and uses whole-wheat flour. 

Vegan Pumpkin Pie Brownies

for brownie layer:
1 cup pure pumpkin puree
1/2 cup vegan sugar (maple sugar, evapourated cane sugar, etc)
1/4 cup + 1 tbsp safflower oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp arrowroot flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
pinch salt
for pumpkin pie layer:
1 cup pure pumpkin puree
2 tbsp arrowroot flour
1/2 cup non-dairy milk (I almost always use almond)
1/3 cup vegan sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp fresh ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp fresh gound black pepper (trust)

Preheat dat oven to 350 degrees.  Fill a 12 cup muffin tin with cupcake liners.  Sift the dry ingredients for the brownie layer together and stir together the wet.  Combine wet and dry brownie ingredients and divide amongst the prepared muffin tin.  Using a spoon or thumb, make a little well in the middle of each brownie.  Combine all pumpkin pie layer ingredients.  Divide mixture amongst each brownie and bake for about 25 minutes or until the pumpkin layer has formed cracks and feels firm (though a little jiggle is ok!).  Enjoy...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Spicy Pumpkin Miso Soup

Spicy Pumpkin Miso Soup


2 tsp safflower oil
1/2 tsp chili flakes (more if you like it HAWT)
4 cloves garlic, chopped finely
2 cups water
2 tbsp shoyu (Japanese soy sauce, darlings)
1/2 cup pure pumpkin puree
2 tsp light miso (I always use aged barley miso)
2 sheets nori, crumbled
pinch fresh ground nutmeg

In a medium saucepan, heat the oil over medium heat.  Add chili flakes and garlic and cook for one minute.  Add water and shoyu, cover and bring to a boil.  Once the broth has boiled, reduce the heat to low and add the pumpkin.  Simmer for ten minutes then add the miso (take care not to boil miso as it destroys the enzymes), crumbled nori and nutmeg.  Add shoyu to taste.  This is so delicious and so easy, perfect on a fall afternoon!

I come in peace...

Hello Darlings,

I didn't start this blog to preach about how amazing it is to be vegan (many of you already know!).  I started this blog because I am completely and utterly obsessed with food.  I obsessively cook it, read about it, daydream about it, talk about it and (obviously) EAT IT!!!  Food fuels our bodies, people.  It can make us or break us!  Every single human being on Earth requires sustanance so it's something we ALL have in common.  

My decision to go vegan came after a lot of questioning the status quo of our North American diet.  I noticed how chemicalized our food was becoming.  So processed foods were the first to get the boot.  White flour and sugar were evicted from my pantry soon after.  I was deep down the rabbit hole when I finally gave up meat, eggs and dairy.  I care about my health, animals, the environment and mankind far too much to keep them in my diet knowing what I know now.  Rather than yak on about it here, please check out

While my posts are never meant to be preachy, they are meant to stimulate your thinker!  Before you put that Hungry Dude dinner in the microwave, why not read the ingredients?  Heck, why not Google the effects microwaves have on the molecular structure of your din din while you're at it?  Still hungry?  WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!!!

I am committed to posting the most deeeeeeelish recipes that come out of my brain (and into my kitchen!) so that you my darlingest reader (vegan or not) have multiple foodgasms everytime you nourish and fuel your bod!